Thursday, January 3, 2013

The second floor slab form is ready to go...Now, if the weather would cooperate...

 The outside form, screwed in to the CMU with Tapcons and supported with a 2x4 rim.

 The Roust-A-Bout set up and ready to lift

 #5 rebar cage that will sit centered in the 8" slab

 Form block-out that will allow 2" clearance between the masonry and combustibles

The interior side of the form from underneath. The concrete slab will cantilever over to the 2nd floor framing.

The form has been set and ready to go for about a week. The daytime/ nighttime temperatures have been about 26 dgrees and 11 degrees, a bit too cold to pour the slab and grout the bond beam course. Even with my work area tented and heated, I should really wait until the daytime and nighttime temperatures are above freezing.