Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sisters Skatepark Is Open!

The new skatepark in Sisters, Oregon is pen! We skated it for the first time the 21st. of July after pouring the concrete decks the day before. It rips! Daniel designed another great pool. The pool was a school project for a couple of Sisters High School students. They put in an incredible amount of work to make it a reality. There was also a great group of volunteers ( including the Sisters Parks and Rec Dept.) that donated labor time for everything from the fundraising, excavation, tieing rebar, pouring and finishing the concrete , setting the coping, backfilling and grading, etc. Jason and Lori from Liquidstone Designs shot the concrete and were the ones that helped all of the volunteer concrete finishers do a great job.

I don't have any finished photos right now, or photos of the concrete work ( I wasn't able to make it out for the six pours, which is really lame, but I had other projects to attend to.) But here are a few assorted photos of the construction.